— Back to Architecture, myDistrib 2015 upgrades : VirtualBox 5, UBuntu 14, Hadoop 2.7.X and friends


My Scrum method for FileSystem brain storming.

VirtualBox storage formating.

UBuntu install. Linux/Unix, fsck, ext3 experiences requiered :-)

Advanced network paramétrage. WireShark skills not requiered.

Challenge : How to www-connect guests with a host-only network config. Bridge is not a challenger response :-(

Response : The excellent Fiddler avec un peu de système touch.

Monitorix lowlevel control, VirtualBox dashboards.

myDistrib updated, sandboxed, www-connected, high scalable ready.

So many smarts contributions to OpenSource software heritage : Every one can download.


Hadoop 2.7.1 tunning.

2015-11-30 18:33:59,440 [main] ERROR org.apache.pig.tools.grunt.Grunt - ERROR 6017: JobID: job_1448904615106_0001 Reason: Job failed!
Details at logfile: /srv/work/pig/logs/pig.log

The incontournable logs aggregation Hortonworks, MapR and myDistrib ( 2.6.X).